Monday, December 19, 2011

That time of the year again where I update with stuff I did

A stressful semester has paid off quite well. I enjoyed most of my assignments (minus making the ferry building look like it was made out of legos because it ended up looking like a pinata), and I definitely learned a lot.

Now I'm actually taking the time to invest in becoming an alcoholic, catching up on sleep, and trying to find a potential job/internship out there for myself. I would be playing Skyrim and Uncharted 3 and all those lovely games, if it weren't for me being poor and being unable to go out and fix my poor PS3.

Oh look, cool stuff I did.

I'm hoping my fruit picture gets a good amount of recognition because I busted my ass off with it. Needless to say I'm happy with how it turned out.
Other finals included a mockup for a hotel website a partner and I re-designed, but that has about a bajillion pages and is a pdf file, so I don't think I'll bother posting it here.

However here's a picture of me shooting lasers out of my eyes as a celebration for not having my motion graphics final fail and making it somewhat funny enough for the teacher to enjoy.

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